Department of General Linguistics
- Pocetna
- Departments
- Department of General Linguistics
Programs of Study and Lectorate
Departmental History
The Department of General Linguistics was founded in the academic year 1990/91, and the first students were enrolled in the General Linguistics programme in 1991/92. Professor Ranko Bugarski, who played the key role in the founding of the Department, was also its first Head. However, the study of linguistics at the Faculty of Philology has a much longer tradition. General Linguistics was first taught as a self-standing subject at the beginning of the 20th century by Professor Aleksandar Belić, within the then “Serbian Seminar”. For quite some time, the discipline continued to develop within the Department of Serbian. The first lecturer appointed specifically to teach General Linguistics was Professor Dušan Jović. Today, the Department of General Linguistics has eight permanent teaching staff members, and is helped in its activities by lecturers from other departments of the Faculty of Philology, as well as guest lecturers from other faculties and other universities.
The curriculum of the Department of General Linguistics covers the main levels of language description – phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics and discourse analysis. Great attention is also paid to applied and interdisciplinary areas such as corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, areal linguistics, and language acquisition. As of the academic year 2009/10, students of this Department must combine studies of general linguistics with studies of a modern foreign language for a total of four years (eight semesters), leading to a degree in philology upon graduation. The Department also has an important role in teaching and thesis supervising at the postgraduate level. The Department is involved in organising courses in Slovenian language and literature, as well.
Biblioteka Katedre za opštu lingvistiku
Knjige iz fonda Katedre za opštu lingvistiku nalaze se u katedarskim kabinetima na petom spratu. Studenti knjige mogu pogledati i pozajmiti (uz indeks) u kabinetu 517.
Knjige iz oblasti slovenistike nalaze se u bibliotekama Katedre za srpski jezik, Katedre za srpsku književnost i u kabinetu 15a.
Važne informacije: COBISS
Contact details
- Head of the Department
- Natalija Panić Cerovski, PhD
- +381(11)2021-610
- Office 517
- Vice-Head of the Department
- Milica Dinić Marinković, PhD
- +381(11)2021-610
- Office 517
- Secretary of the Department
- Marija Stanković Glišić
- +381(11)2021-610
- Office 517
Full professors
Associate professors
Assistant professors
Teaching assistants
- Boštjan Božič
- dr Maja Ivanović
- dr Željko Marković
- Tanja Tomazin - strani lektor
- dr Ljubica Isaković
- Marija Stanković Glišić - samostalni stručnotehnički saradnik za rad u laboratorijama ili centrima (sekretar katedre)
- Jelena Bogdanović