Department of Serbian with South Slavic Literatures
- Pocetna
- Departments
- Department of Serbian with South Slavic Literatures
Studijske grupe
General Information
The Department of Serbian Literature with South Slavic Literatures is unique in our country, as it is the only one where two Serbian literature majors are offered. In the Serbian Literature and Language (05) major, studies focus on the history and poetics of national literature in the South Slavic and world context. The curriculum of the Serbian Literature and Language with Comparative Studies (06) major also includes parallel research of Serbian and world literature. Thanks to the various compulsory and elective courses, as well as other activities and programs, students of the Department acquire competencies for work in education, journalism, publishing, media, marketing, various areas of artistic creativity, related philological disciplines, diplomacy, and other fields. Bachelor studies are followed by master’s studies, which will help students reinforce and build on the knowledge they have gained in all areas of literary science, as well as acquire practical training for the teaching profession. Upon completion of their master’s degree, the best students of our Department are able to continue on to doctoral studies, where they acquire the specialized theoretical and methodological knowledge that is necessary for future contributors in the field of literary science.
The Library of the Department of Serbian Literature with South Slavic Literatures is revered for its collections and is one of the oldest at the Faculty of Philology. The current library grew out of the Serbian Seminary and has a large number of members: over 6,000 students, teaching staff and other academics.
Printed collection: the library has 81,620 inventoried monographs and 4,921 issues of serial publications, which means over 630 journal titles, 25,000 volumes and 70,000 books. The library also has 1,000 copies of old and rare books, as well as valuable bequests and gifted collections from Pavle Popović, Rista Odavić, Vladan Nedić, Velibor Gligorić, Miroljub Todorović, Miodrag Popović, Živan Živković, Ivan V. Lalić and Aleksandar Vuč. The library is open on weekdays from 9am to 7pm. The Department of Serbian Literature with South Slavic Literatures publishes two journals - the renowned Contributions to Literature, Language, History and Folklore, which recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of it first being published, and the Yearbook of the Department of Serbian Literature with South Slavic Literatures, in which both master's and doctoral students can publish their first papers. Also, student poetry and prose, reviews and essays are published in the student newspaper Vesna, whose editors are students of the Department.
Contact details
- Head of the Department
- Slavko Petaković, PhD
- Office 37
- Vice-Head of the Department
- Milan Aleksić, PhD
- Secretary of the Department
- Valentina Tasić
- +381(11)2639-149
- +381(11)2021-640
- Office 39
- Librarians
- Ljiljana Dukić, MA
- Borivoj Vezmar, MA
- Borisav Milošević
- Bojana Antonić, MA
Full professors
- prof. dr Milo Lompar
- prof. dr Tihomir Brajović
- prof. dr Boško Suvajdžić
- prof. dr Zona Mrkalj
- prof. dr Dragana Vukićević
- prof. dr Aleksandar Jerkov
- prof. dr Zorica Nestorović
- prof. dr Irena Špadijer
- prof. dr Nemanja Radulović
- prof. dr Slavko Petaković
- prof. dr Nenad Nikolić
- prof. dr Predrag Petrović
- prof. dr Zorica Vitić
- prof. dr Milan Aleksić
Associate professors
Assistant professors
- doc. dr Nataša Stanković-Šošo
- doc. dr Milica Kecojević
- doc. dr Irena Plaović
- doc. dr Tanja Rakić
- doc. dr Milan Vurdelja
Teaching assistants
- as. Sofija Filipov Radulović
- as. Aleksandra Ivanović
- as. Marija Sloboda Anđelković
- as. Ivan Praštalo
- Borivoj Vezmar - diplomirani bibliotekar
- Bojana Antonić - diplomirani bibliotekar
- Valentina Tasić - samostalni stručnotehnički saradnik za rad u laboratorijama ili centrima (sekretar katedre)