
About the Faculty

Welcome to the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade

The Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade has been nurturing the tradition of higher education stemming from the Lyceum since 1873. It has been developing philological disciplines and growing as an individual Faculty since 1960.

An adoption of the Bologna principles, the flexibility of curricula, the diversity of courses, student-teacher exchanges through various EU programs, and online learning – all of these are features of our Faculty’s approach to contemporary education. Over the course of the academic year, students are engaged in a range of educational approaches, lectures, interactive classes, praxis, and exams; but they also take time to engage in student organizations such as the Student Parliament and the Student Association, as well as to get acquainted with the work of the Student Vice-Dean.

An individual approach to the Faculty curricula is supported by the faculty libraries which are incorporated into the Joint Catalogue and the Virtual Library of Serbia. In addition, the Faculty is located in the vicinity of other relevant libraries, e.g., the Belgrade City Library, the University Library Svetozar Markovic, the Library of the Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Library of Serbia.

The Faculty boasts numerous cultural manifestations and is proud of its scientific publications – Južnoslovenski filolog (South-Slavonic Philologist (1913)); Prilozi za književnost, jezik, istoriju i folklor (Contributions to Literature, Language, History and Folklore (1921 )); Filološki pregled (Philological Review); Italica Belgradensia; Živi jezici (Modern Languages); Srpski jezik (Serbian Language); Slavistika (Slavonic Studies); Philologia; Godišnjak Katedre za srpsku književnost (Yearbook of the Department of Serbian Literature), BELLS. Monographs, including those written by the Faculty’s professors, are also an important pillar supporting further academic achievement.

While giving its best to cater to the needs of every individual and to help each student gain valuable academic and professional knowledge, the Faculty has also developed the Digital Library of the Faculty of Philology with contents available to all students free of charge at all times. Its utmost priority is to fully support students’ academic studies while recognizing science, culture, and education as a mutual need and a common good.