
prof. dr Katarina Rasulić

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E-mail Consultation time Utorak, 15-17 časova, kabinet 215
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Utorak, 15-17 časova, kabinet 215
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Selected Bibliography

High Expectations and Low Blows: Antonymy and Dynamic Meaning Construction

Rasulić, K., High Expectations and Low Blows: Antonymy and Dynamic Meaning Construction, Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies, Vol. XII, pp. 137 - 161, 2020

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2020
Journal Belgrade English Language and Literature Studies
Volumen XII
Page from 137
Page to 161

Šta spaja a šta razdvaja kognitivnolingvistički i kognitivnopragmatički pristup metafori?

Rasulić, K., Mišković-Luković, M., Šta spaja a šta razdvaja kognitivnolingvistički i kognitivnopragmatički pristup metafori?, Lipar, No. 72, pp. 11 - 45, 2020

Authors Katarina Rasulić and Mirjana Mišković-Luković
Year 2020
Journal Lipar
Number 72
Page from 11
Page to 45

Hiding behind Bologna: Metonymy, Metaphor and Conceptual Blurring in the Bologna Process Discourse

Rasulić, K., Hiding behind Bologna: Metonymy, Metaphor and Conceptual Blurring in the Bologna Process Discourse, Nasleđe, Vol. XII, No. 32, pp. 37 - 50, 2015

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2015
Journal Nasleđe
Volumen XII
Number 32
Page from 37
Page to 50

Aspekti metonimije u jeziku i mišljenju

Rasulić, K., Aspekti metonimije u jeziku i mišljenju, Theoria, Vol. LIII, pp. 49 - 70, 2010

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2010
Journal Theoria
Volumen LIII
Page from 49
Page to 70

Long Time, No Buzz: Fixed Expressions as Constructional Frames

Rasulić, K., Long Time, No Buzz: Fixed Expressions as Constructional Frames, CogniTextes, Vol. 5, pp. /online - /, 2010

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2010
Journal CogniTextes
Volumen 5
Page from /online
Page to /

Exploring Semantic Relations

Rasulić, K., Exploring Semantic Relations, Filološki fakultet, Beograd, 2016

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2016
Publisher Filološki fakultet, Beograd
ISBN 978–86–6153–384–6
Page count 376
Book type monografija
Page count 376

Jezik i prostorno iskustvo

Rasulić, K., Jezik i prostorno iskustvo, Filološki fakultet, Beograd, 2004

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2004
Publisher Filološki fakultet, Beograd
ISBN 86-80267-74-0
Page count 359
Book type monografija
Page count 359

Turning the heart into a neighbour: (Re)framing Kosovo in Serbian political discourse

Rasulić, K., Turning the heart into a neighbour: (Re)framing Kosovo in Serbian political discourse, In: The Language of Crisis. Metaphors, Frames and Discourses, eds. Mimi Huang and Lise-Lotte Holmgreen [JB Series Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 87], pp. 111 - 136, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 2020

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2020
Publisher John Benjamins
ISSN/ISBN HB 9789027204967, E-BOOK 9789027261540
Page from 111
Page to 136

Piquer-Píriz, A. M. & R. Alejo-González (Eds.). (2018). Applying Cogn itive Linguistics. Figurative Language in Use, Constructions and Typology [Benjamins Current Topics 99]. - Book Review

K. Rasulić, Piquer-Píriz, A. M. & R. Alejo-González (Eds.). (2018). Applying Cogn itive Linguistics. Figurative Language in Use, Constructions and Typology [Benjamins Current Topics 99]. - Book Review, Metaphor and the Social World, Vol. 10.1, 2020 [Book Review MSW-19025], pp. 183 - 189, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2020

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2020
Publisher John Benjamins
ISSN/ISBN 2210-4070 | E-ISSN 2210-4097
Page from 183
Page to 189

O metajezičkoj negaciji u engleskom i srpskom: Konstrukcioni aspekti

Rasulić, K., O metajezičkoj negaciji u engleskom i srpskom: Konstrukcioni aspekti, Jezici i kulture u vremenu i prostoru VIII/1 – tematski zbornik, ur. Snežana Gudurić i Biljana Radić-Bojanić, pp. 209 - 222, Filozofski fakultet; Pedagoško društvo Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 2019

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2019
Publisher Filozofski fakultet; Pedagoško društvo Vojvodine
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-6065-542-6
Page from 209
Page to 222

EDS: Belgrade English and Literature Studies (BELLS) – Volume 10, 2018 – Special Issue in Honour of Ranko Bugarski on the Occasion of his 85th Birthday

Rasulić, K., Trbojević Milošević, I., EDS: Belgrade English and Literature Studies (BELLS) – Volume 10, 2018 – Special Issue in Honour of Ranko Bugarski on the Occasion of his 85th Birthday, 2018

Authors Katarina Rasulić and Ivana Trbojević-Milošević
Year 2018
ISSN/ISBN 1821-3138

Nine Decades of the English Department at the University of Belgrade

Rasulić, K., Nine Decades of the English Department at the University of Belgrade, In: British–Serbian Relations from the 18th to the 21st Centuries, ed. Slobodan G. Marković, pp. 393 - 404, Faculty of Political Science & Zepter Book World, Belgrade, 2018

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2018
Publisher Faculty of Political Science & Zepter Book World
ISSN/ISBN 97886-7494-149-2 (CBW)
Page from 393
Page to 404

As smart as bait, bistar kao boza: O ironičnim pridevskim poredbama u engleskom i srpskom jeziku

Rasulić, K., As smart as bait, bistar kao boza: O ironičnim pridevskim poredbama u engleskom i srpskom jeziku, Jezici i kulture u vremenu i prostoru VII/2, ur. Snežana Gudurić i Biljana Radić-Bojanić, pp. 345 - 357, Filozofski fakultet, Novi Sad, 2018

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2018
Publisher Filozofski fakultet
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-6065-476-4
Page from 345
Page to 357

Shakespeare on the Shelf, Blue Helmets on the Move: Human-related Metonymic Conceptualization in English and Serbian

Rasulić, K., Shakespeare on the Shelf, Blue Helmets on the Move: Human-related Metonymic Conceptualization in English and Serbian, In: Studies in Figurative Thought and Language / ed. Angeliki Athanasiadou [Human Cognitive Processing Series, Vol. 56], pp. 199 - 229, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2017

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2017
Publisher John Benjamins
ISSN/ISBN 9789027246721
Page from 199
Page to 229

A Metaphor Biangle: Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr. and Gerard J. Steen.

K. Rasulić, A Metaphor Biangle: Raymond W. Gibbs, Jr. and Gerard J. Steen., Metaphor and the Social World, Vol. 7.1,, pp. 130 - 151, John Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2017

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2017
Publisher John Benjamins
ISSN/ISBN 2210-4070 | E-ISSN 2210-4097
Page from 130
Page to 151

What’s hot and what’s not in English and Serbian: A contrastive view on the semantic extensions of temperature adjectives

Rasulić, K., What’s hot and what’s not in English and Serbian: A contrastive view on the semantic extensions of temperature adjectives, In: The Linguistics of Temperature / ed. Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm [Typological Studies in Language 107], pp. 254 - 299, John Benjamins, Amsterdam/Philadelphia, 2015

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2015
Publisher John Benjamins
ISSN/ISBN 9789027206886
Page from 254
Page to 299

Jezik i saznanje – Hrestomatija iz kognitivne lingvistike

K. Rasulić, D. Klikovac, Jezik i saznanje – Hrestomatija iz kognitivne lingvistike, Filološki fakultet, Beograd, 2014

Authors Katarina Rasulić and Duška Klikovac
Year 2014
Publisher Filološki fakultet

Conceptualization of DEVELOPMENT, SOCIETY, POWER and CONTROL in Serbian and in English

K. Rasulić, Conceptualization of DEVELOPMENT, SOCIETY, POWER and CONTROL in Serbian and in English, In: Die Europäizität der Slawia oder die Slawizität Europas: Ein Beitrag der kultur- und sprachrelativistischen Linguistik / Hrsg. C. Voss, A. Nagórko / Studies in Language and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe, pp. 49 - 73, Verlag Otto Sagner, Műnchen, 2009

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2009
Publisher Verlag Otto Sagner
ISSN/ISBN ISBN (10) 3-86688-065-0 ; ISBN(13) 978-3-86688-065-8
Page from 49
Page to 73

Srpsko-engleske tvorenice u svetlu teorije pojmovne integracije

Rasulić, K., Srpsko-engleske tvorenice u svetlu teorije pojmovne integracije, U: Semantička proučavanja srpskog jezika / ur. M. Radovanović, P. Piper, pp. 269 - 289, SANU, Beograd, 2008

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2008
Publisher SANU
ISSN/ISBN 978-86-7025-456-5
Page from 269
Page to 289

Tako blizu, a tako daleko o metaforičkoj konceptualizaciji zasnovanoj na pojmovima BLIZU i DALEKO

Rasulić, K., Tako blizu, a tako daleko o metaforičkoj konceptualizaciji zasnovanoj na pojmovima BLIZU i DALEKO, U: Kognitivnolingvistička proučavanja srpskog jezika / ur. P. Piper, pp. 231 - 259, SANU, Beograd, 2006

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2006
Publisher SANU
ISSN/ISBN 86-7025-409-3
Page from 231
Page to 259

Dinamičko konstruisanje značenja: pojmovni amalgami i pojmovne metafore

Rasulić, K., Dinamičko konstruisanje značenja: pojmovni amalgami i pojmovne metafore, U: Lingvističke analize: zbornik u čast 25 godina Instituta za strane jezike u Podgorici / ur. S. Perović, V. Bulatović, pp. 179 - 192, Institut za strane jezike, Podgorica, 2004

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2004
Publisher Institut za strane jezike
Page from 179
Page to 192

Konceptualizacija DRUŠTVA pomoću vertikalne dimenzije

Rasulić, K., Konceptualizacija DRUŠTVA pomoću vertikalne dimenzije, U: Jezik, društvo, saznanje: profesoru Ranku Bugarskom od njegovih studenata / ur. D. Klikovac, K. Rasulić, pp. 230 - 246, Filološki fakultet, Beograd, 2003

Authors Katarina Rasulić
Year 2003
Publisher Filološki fakultet
ISSN/ISBN 86-80267-67-8
Page from 230
Page to 246

Jezik, društvo, saznanje – Profesoru Ranku Bugarskom od njegovih studenata

D. Klikovac, K. Rasulić, Jezik, društvo, saznanje – Profesoru Ranku Bugarskom od njegovih studenata, Filološki fakultet, Beograd, 2003

Authors Duška Klikovac and Katarina Rasulić
Year 2003
Publisher Filološki fakultet