
Subject description

1409087 - Metodika nastave ruskog jezika 3

Course specification
Course title
Acronym 1409087
Study programme
Type of study
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 3.0 Status
      Condition Oblik uslovljenosti
      The goal An integral component of the studies is an individual work of a student, mentoring, writing a seminar paper. It also includes: acquisition and extension of theory and practice, introduction of main postulates of methodology of Russian as a foreign Slavic language as well as scientific knowledge in lingo-didactics and methodology of Russian as a foreign language
      The outcome Forming professional, pedagogical and methodogical competences. Most of all, a student will master: the basics of theory, didactics and methodology, their practical implementations using different methods and manners.
      Contents of lectures I. Training different speaking exercises. Speaking exercises in teaching (general characteristics) II. Teaching listening.III. Teaching speaking. IV. Teaching reading. V. Teaching writing. VI. Teaching interpreting.
      Contents of exercises Practical classes, OFT, SRW Mastering the basics of theory, didactics and methodology, their practical implementations using different methods and manners.
      1. K.Končarević: Savremena nastava ruskog jezika: sadržaji, organizacija, oblici (udžbenik), Beograd, 2003 (Original title)
      2. V. Raičević: Opšta metodika nastave slovenskih jezika u inoslovenskoj sredini, Beograd, Zavod za udžbenike, 2007. (Original title)
      3. J. Ginić, V. Raičević. Praktikum iz metodike nastave ruskog jezika. Beograd, Zavod za udžbenike, 2011. (Original title)
      4. E. I. Passov, Osnovы kommunikativnoй metodiki obučeniя inoяzыčnomu obщeniю (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      2 1
      Methods of teaching Lectures, practical classes, term paper writing, discussion
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures Test paper 50
      Practical lessons 5 Oral examination
      Colloquia 45