
Subject description

1411045 - Ceska knjizevnost 5

Course specification
Course title
Acronym 1411045
Study programme
Type of study
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ESPB 6.0 Status
    Condition Češka poezija na prelomu dva veka. Književno-istorijski pregled najznačajnijih pesničkih pravaca, grupa i pojava u češkoj poeziji 20.veka. Pojave moderne i dekadencije, te njihovo povezivanje sa pojmovima Fin-de-siècle i La belle époque; pregled poezije češkog impresionizma i simbolizma; predstavljanje pojave anarhizma u češkoj poeziji. Predstavljanje pojave avangardnih tendencija u razvoju poezije; tumačenje funkcije proleterske poezije, pojave poetizma, češke nadrealističke skupine. Život i pesničko stvaralaštvo Volkera, Sajferta, Nezvala, Halasa, Holana, Skacela. Osnivanje grupe 42. Češka poezija druge polovine 20. veka. Oblik uslovljenosti
    The goal The aim of the course is to acquaint the student with the literary-historical and artistic development of Czech poetry of the modern period, Fin-de-siècle, the interwar period, and the avant-garde, and in this connection also to acquire knowledge about prominent writers whose work was influenced by literary and artistic movements, such were decadence, symbolism, impressionism, proletarian poetry, poeticism, surrealism, etc.
    The outcome Students will be competent in analyzing and studying the poetic works of Czech authors, with developed skills to compare poetical works of Czech authors with works of Serbian and European literature created in the same period, with the ability to explain the function and role of poetry in the 20th century.
    Contents of lectures Czech poetry at the turn of two centuries. Literary-historical overviews of the most important poetic movements, groups, and phenomena in Czech poetry of the 20th century. The appearance of modernism and decadence, and their connection with the terms Fin-de-siècle and La belle époque. Overview of the poetry of Czech impressionism and symbolism, the appearance of anarchism in poetry, development of avant-garde tendencies in poetry; the interpretation of the function of proletarian poetry, the emergence of poeticism, and the artistic group Devetsil. Life and the poetic work of Wolker, Seifert, Nezval, Halas, Holan, and Skácel. establishing the Czech surrealist group. Founding the group 42. Czech poetry of the second half of the 20th century.
    Contents of exercises Reading and analysis of poems and collections of selected Czech poets of the 20th century and comparative analysis of poetic works by Czech authors and significant works of Serbian and European literature. Decadent poetry: Arnošt Procházka, Karel Hlaváček, Jiří Karásek z Lvovic, Stanislav Kostka Neumann. Impressionist poetry: Antonín Sova. Symbolist poetry: Antonín Sova, Otokar Březina. Anarchist rebels: Petr Bezruč, Viktor Dyk, František Gellner, Fráňa Šrámek, Karel Toman, Stanislav Kostka Neumann, Jiří Mahen. Proletarian poetry: Jiří Wolker. Češki poetizam: Vítězslav Nezval, Jaroslav Seifert, Konstantin Biebl, Vladimír Holan, Vilém Závada, František Halas. Review and analysis of the poetic creativity of the selected poets: Jiří Wolker, Jaroslav Seifert, Vítězslav Nezval, František Halas, Vladimír Holan, Jan Skácel.
    1. Moldanová Dobrava. Česká literatura v období modernismu (1890–1918). Ústí nad Labem : Univerzita J.E. Purkyně, 2009 (Original title)
    2. Moldanová Dobrava. Česká literatura období avantgardy (1918–1945). Ústí nad Labem : Univerzita J.E. Purkyně, 2009 (Original title)
    3. Beracková Dáša. Zapletení do světa (K podobám rané avantgardy). Praha: Pistorius, 2010 (Original title)
    4. Vlastimil Maršíček. Nezval, Seifert a ti druzí. Necenzurovaný slovník ĉeských spisovatelů. Brno: Host, 1999 (Original title)
    5. Jelínek Antonín. Vítězslav Nezval. Praha: Československý spisovatel, 1961 (Original title)
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
    2 2
    Methods of teaching Lectures, exercises, reading and reciting poetry, translation and adapting poetry, and writing essays.
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
    Activites during lectures 10 Test paper
    Practical lessons 20 Oral examination 70