
Subject description

2108915 - Igo i romantizam

Course specification
Course title
Acronym 2108915
Study programme
Type of study
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 3.0 Status
      Condition None. Oblik uslovljenosti
      The goal The objective of the course is to acquire knowledge about Victor Hugo as a theoretician of romanticism, a poet and a novelist of the epoch of romanticism.
      The outcome The learning outcome of the course is the application of acquired knowledge in understanding French and European Romanticism and Hugo’s literary works.
      Contents of lectures The notion of the grotesque. Grotesque in romanticism. Hugo as a theorist of romanticism. Hugo and society. Preface to Cromwell. The Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Historical truth and fantasy in Hugo’s novel. Characters of Hugo’s novels. Romantic historicism. The importance of Hugo’s novel for romanticism. Hugo as a dramatist. Hugo’s lyric poetry.
      Contents of exercises Exercises, discussions, study research work.
      1. Francuska književnost, knjiga II, Beograd, Svjetlost, Nolit, 1981. (Original title)
      2. Viktor Igo, "Predgovor Kromvelu", u knjizi Miroslav Beker, Povijest književnih teorija, od antike do kraja devetnaestog stoljeća, SNL, Zagreb 1979. (Original title)
      3. Volfgang Kajzer, Groteskno u slikarstvu i pesništvu, Svetovi, Novi Sad, 2004. (Original title)
      4. Viktor Igo, Crna sunca, Beograd, Rad, 1972. (Original title)
      5. Kornelije Kvas, „Slovenska antiteza i Viktor Igo“, Naučni sastanak slavista u Vukove dane, 40/2, Beograd, MSC, 2011, str. 247-256. (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      Methods of teaching Lectures, discussions, independent work.
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures 50 Test paper 50
      Practical lessons Oral examination