
Subject description

2138017 - Politicka i kulturna istorija Ukrajine 1

Course specification
Course title
Acronym 2138017
Study programme
Type of study
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 3.0 Status
      Condition Knowledge of the Ukrainian language. Oblik uslovljenosti
      The goal Acquiring students' knowledge about the historical foundations, the genesis of Ukrainian culture and its development until the end of the 18th century, the adoption of general concepts about trends in literature, architecture, painting, music and ethnology among Ukrainians; training for understanding the connections between phenomena in the sphere of culture and broader political events; encouraging a comparativist approach in the study of the cultural history of peoples; developing speaking skills in leading discussions; formation of the skill of adequate linguistic transposition of national-cultural material during translation.
      The outcome The student acquires a complex picture of the genesis and history of Ukrainian culture until the end of the 18th century, the formation of statehood, relations with neighboring and other peoples over the centuries, the influences of East and West in the emergence of Ukrainian national identity, as well as customs, folklore heritage and art. The overall acquired knowledge helps the student to better understand the time and space in which works of Ukrainian literature were created.
      Contents of lectures Geographical, socio-economic and spiritual characteristics of the formation of the Ukrainian ethnos. Ancient cultures in the pre-Ukrainian area. Slavic Age and Culture of Kievan Rus. Way of life, culture, mythology of Eastern Slavs. Acceptance of Christianity. The origin of the yearbook. Christian worldview. Canons in medieval architecture. Art of Kievan Rus. Conflicts with the Mongol-Tatar invaders. Ukrainian culture of the 14th - first half of the 17th century. The flourishing of the Principality of Galicia-Volhynia. The status of the Ukrainian ethnos in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Ukrainian lands within the Kingdom of Poland. The emergence of the Cossack social class. The specificity of the formation of the Ukrainian Renaissance. Humanist and reformist movement. Beginning of book printing. Development of annalistic tradition. The conflict of religions on the Ukrainian territory. Berestian Union (1596). The spiritual life of the Ukrainian people in the second half of the 17th - 18th centuries. Zaporizhia Sich as a Cossack state (1648-1781). Formation and development of specific Cossack culture. National liberation motifs in Ukrainian folklore. The rise of national self-awareness of Ukrainians. Enlightenment. Scientific achievements and literary heritage. School theater. The "Cossack Baroque" phenomenon. Church architecture. Iconostasis and portrait painting.
      Contents of exercises Conducting discussions, creating seminar papers on various aspects of Ukrainian culture.
      1. Žukovsьkiй A., Subtelьniй O. Naris іstorії Ukraїni. Lьvіv: Vid-vo NTŠ, 1992. (Original title)
      2. Іvanova K.A., Lantuh A.P. ta іn. Іstorія svіtovoї ta ukraїnsьkoї kulьturi, Harkіv, Vid-vo NFaU : Zolotі stranki, 2012. (Original title)
      3. Іstorія ukraїnsьkoї kulьturi u 5 tomah. Kiїv: Naukova dumka, 2003–2012. (Original title)
      4. Іstorія ukraїnsьkogo mistectva. U 6-ti t., Kiїv: Naukova dumka, 1996–1997. (Original title)
      5. Masol L.M., Ničkalo S.A. Hudožnя kulьtura Ukraїni. Kiїv: Viщa škola, 2016. (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      Methods of teaching Lectures, thematic discussions, multimedia presentations, consultations, preparation of a seminar paper.
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures 25 Test paper
      Practical lessons Oral examination 50
      Seminars 25