
Subject description

21D09006 - Ruska avangarda

Course specification
Course title
Acronym 21D09006
Study programme
Type of study
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 9.0 Status
      Condition the student enrolled in doctoral studies Oblik uslovljenosti
      The goal The aim of the course is to deepen the acquired knowledge about the Russian literary and artistic avant-garde during basic academic studies. The Russian avant-garde is seen as a complex phenomenon in literary, artistic, book, theater, film, and architectural expression. The goal is to train the student for the interdisciplinary study of literature, and therefore he is obliged to write a research paper (with the idea of being published), and also to present a paper that will be discussed. The goal of the course is for the student to master the appropriate methodological apparatus with which he could approach the study of unexplored areas of the Russian avant-garde. Also, the goal of the course is to reveal to the student the field of influence of the Russian avant-garde on the Serbian, Polish, Czech, French, German, and Italian avant-garde. The goal of the course is to see Russian avant-garde art as part of the organic genesis of Russian culture, but also its influence on contemporary Russian culture (poetry and art culture).
      The outcome The student will be capable of interdisciplinary study of the literary text (in relation to painting, theater, film). Familiarity with various forms of avant-garde art (poetry, painting, photography, posters, theater decoration, painting on textiles and porcelain, design of books-autographs) will give the student the opportunity to interpret the specifics of Russian futurism, Dadaism and Oberiutian poetics, as the main protagonists of the Russian avant-garde.
      Contents of lectures Russian futurist poetics in poetry and painting. Analysis of poetic and artistic language in joint literary projects. Autobiography books. A futuristic opera. Invoice, flat. Neoprimitivism. African art and the Russian award, Lucism. Organic art. Canon and law. Vitebsk. Suprematism. Alogism. Architect. Proun. Constructivism. Poster. Photography. Cloth. Porcelain. Theater
      Contents of exercises
      1. K. Ičin, Buka ruske avangrade, Novi Sad 2022; K. Ičin, Avangvrdnый vzrыv, SPb 2016; Russkiй avangard i voйna, Belgrad 2014; Avangard i ideologiя: russkie primerы, Belgrad 2009; Dada po-russki, Belgrad 2013; Naučnыe koncepcii HH veka i russkoe avangardnoe iskusstvo, Belgrad 2011; Dokumenti za razumevanje ruske avangarde, Beograd 2003; Iskusstvo suprematizma, Belgrad 2012; A. Flaker, Ruska avangarda 1-2, Zagreb, Beograd, 1984, 2009.. (Original title)
      2. E. Kovtun, Russkaя futurističeskaя kniga, Moskva 1989; Russkiй avangard 1910-h i teatr, M. 2008;E.Bobrinskaя, Russkiй avangard: istoki i metamorfozы, Moskva 2003; Russkiй kubofuturizm, SPb 2002; Mir Velimira Hlebnikova, M. 2000;Russkiй futurizm, M. 1999.Russkiй avangard 1910-h: problema kollaža, 2005; Terentьevskiй sbonik 1, 2, Moskva 1996, 1998. (Original title)
      3. A.Krusanov, Russkiй avangard v 3-h tomah, Moskva 1996, 2003; N. Hardžiev, Statьi ob avangarde. V 2 t., Moskva 1997; A. Kručenыh, Naš vыhod. K istorii russkogo futurizma, M. 1996; A.Rodčenko, V.Stepanova, Buduщee – edinstvennaя naša celь…, Mюnhen 1991; P. Filonov, Fprmula kosmosa, Beograd 2020; V.Matveй (V.Markov), Statьi. Katalog proizvedeniй. Pisьma, Riga 2002; V.Kandinski, Plavi jahač, Beograd 2016; K. Maljevič, Bog niej zbačen, Beograd 2010. (Original title)
      4. Iskusstvo suprematizma, Belgrad 2012; Vizualizaciя literaturы, Belgrad 2012; Ot avangarda do soc-arta: kulьtura sovetskogo vremeni, Belgrad 2016;16. I posle avanarda – avangard, Belgrad 2017; Utopičeskiй upadok: iskusstvo v sovetskuю эpohu, Belgrad 2018; Intermedialьnaя poэtika avangarda, Belgrad 2018; Iskusstvo i revolюciя: sto let spustя, Belgrad 2019; Эto ne moskovskiй konceptualizm, Belgrad 2021. (Original title)
      5. G. Janacek, The Look of Russian Literature: Avant-Garde Visual Experiments 1900 – 1930; V. Markov, Russian Futurism: A History, Los Angeles 1968. (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      Methods of teaching Lectures, presentations, discussion, independent work
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures Test paper
      Practical lessons Oral examination 50
      Projects 50