
Subject description

21M08009 - Rolan Bart

Course specification
Course title
Acronym 21M08009
Study programme
Type of study
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 6.0 Status
      Condition None Oblik uslovljenosti
      The goal An introduction to the most influential ideas of Roland Barthes and the phases of his intellectual evolution
      The outcome Generating greater interest for individual research and critical thinking. Identifying Barthes' unique impact on the subsequent twentieth-century critical thought, assessing his influence on contemporary theorists and philosophers
      Contents of lectures Lectures on Barthes' main ideas and the phases of his intellectual trajectory: the early period, Structuralism, Poststructuralism, and his late works, focusing on the representative essays: Mythologies, "The Death of the Author", The Pleasure of the Text, Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida
      Contents of exercises Analysis of selected essays
      1. Roland Barthes, Mythologies, Loznica, Karpos, 2019.
      2. Roland Barthes, Literature, Mythology, Semiology, Belgrade, Nolit, 1966 (selected essays)
      3. Roland Barthes, Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes, Novi Sad/Podgorica, Svetovi/Oktoih, 1992.
      4. Jonathan Culler, Roland Barthes. A Very Short Introduction, London, Routledge, 2002. (Original title)
      5. Graham Allen, Roland Barthes, London, Routledge, 2003. (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      2 2
      Methods of teaching Lectures and the analysis of selected essays
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures Test paper 70
      Practical lessons Oral examination
      Colloquia 30