
Subject description

1414044 - Francuska knjizevnost 4

Course specification
Course title
Acronym 1414044
Study programme
Type of study
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ESPB 6.0 Status
    Condition French literature 3 exam completed Oblik uslovljenosti
    The goal Acquiring knowledge of the 16th century French literature and its specificities. Most important texts of Humanism and Renaissance, historical, theoretical and literary criticism dedicated to that period. Master the most important notions and terminology. Developing skills necessary for further individual work and analysis.
    The outcome Students will master literary notions and terminology required for analysis of exemplary texts from this period. They will develop critical and analytical thinking about 16th century literature.
    Contents of lectures Studying most important literary movements and tendencies from the Renaissance texts to the end of 16th century. Insights into the most important movements and historical notions: Humanism, Renaissance, Reformation, Evangelism and their influence on society and literature. Poetics of great poetical schools of 16th century and the most important representatives of the 16th century French poetry. Reading works highlighting the historical events (French Wars of Religion) and their impact on literature. Narrative literature and theatre in France in the 16th century: François de Rabelais (, Michel de Montaigne), Marguerite de Navarre , Robert Garnier. Final lectures are always dedicated to a specific subject, characteristic or problems related to works of Michel de Montaigne or specificities of narrative literature in the 16th century.
    Contents of exercises Interpreting exemplary texts. Analyzing the most important features and poetics of literary genres through the representative texts.
    1. Tournon, André et al., Histoire de la littérature française du XVIe siècle, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2004. (Original title)
    2. Ménager, Daniel, Introduction la vie litt raire du XVIe si cle, Paris, Dunod, 1997. (Original title)
    3. Lestringant,Frank et al., Littérature française du XVIe siècle, Paris, PUF, 2000. (Original title)
    4. P. Aron et al. (dir.), Le dictionnaire du Littéraire, Paris, PUF, 2002. (Original title)
    5. Histoire de la France littéraire: Naissances, Renaissances (Moyen Age -XVIe siècle), dirigé par Frank Lestringant, Alain de Libéra et Michel Zink, Paris, PUF/Quadrige, 2006. (Original title)
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
    2 2
    Methods of teaching Lectures, discussions. Reading and analyzing exemplary text.. End of semester essay with individual research for a given subject.
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
    Activites during lectures 10 Test paper
    Practical lessons 10 Oral examination 70
    Seminars 10