
Subject description

2101027 - Osnovi normiranja srpskog jezika

Course specification
Course title
Acronym 2101027
Study programme
Type of study
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
    ESPB 3.0 Status
    Condition Oblik uslovljenosti
    The goal
    The outcome
    Contents of lectures
    Contents of exercises
    1. M. Radovanović, Sociolingvistika, Novi Sad: Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, 2003. (Original title)
    2. R. Bugarski, Jezik u društvu, Beograd: Prosveta, 1986. (Original title)
    3. N. I. Tolstoj, Jezik slovenske kulture, Niš: Prosveta, 1995. (Original title)
    4. D. Škiljan, Jezična politika, Zagreb: Naprijed, 1988. (Original title)
    5. A. Belić, Oko našeg književnog jezika, Beograd: ZUNS, 1999. (Original title)
    Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
    Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
    2 2
    Methods of teaching
    Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
    Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
    Activites during lectures 10 Test paper 70
    Practical lessons Oral examination
    Colloquia 20