
Subject description

2108922 - Vergilijeva poezija i poetika

Course specification
Course title
Acronym 2108922
Study programme
Type of study
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 3.0 Status
      Condition No prerequisite. Oblik uslovljenosti
      The goal Objective of the course is to provide a basic level of general and special knowledge in the field of Virgilianism. The acquisition of knowledge takes place in three aspects: intertextual, literary-theoretical and hermeneutic-aesthetic. In the intertextual aspect, the goal of the course is to look at the complex and dynamic relationships between Virgil's work and a large number of poetic, didactic, philosophical and historiographical texts of the Hellenic, Hellenistic and Roman traditions. In terms of literary theory, the aim of the course is to get acquainted with the poetic, structural and genre peculiarities of the Eclogue, Georgics and Aeneid individually, as well as to get acquainted with Virgil's unique creative process as a whole. From a hermeneutic-aesthetic point of view, the aim of the course is to acquire the ability to perceive the value of Virgil's poetic vision and to recognize the aesthetic values ​​that determined its enormous importance for European culture.
      The outcome The outcome of the course lies in the ability to analyze the basic features of Virgil's poetics, as well as all three of his works individually, in their intertextual and interdisciplinary aspect. In this way, the skill will be acquired to look at the Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid in a wide range of meanings and to bring them into connection with various cultural phenomena of the latter epochs.
      URL to the subject page
      Contents of lectures General poetic and aesthetic determinants of Virgil's creativity: polysemy, impersonality, eclecticism; the whole and connection of Virgil's work; intertextuality and interdisciplinarity. Eclogues - the importance of Alexandrian poetry, Theocritus and idylls; overcoming the Alexandrian poetics of the small; the influence of Epicureanism, Platonism and other philosophical schools; the phenomenon of learned poetry. Arcadia construct. Hermeneutic analysis of all the poems of the Eclogues. Georgics - tradition of didactic poetry; transformation of the didactic model; general structure of the work. Hermeneutic analysis of certain chants of Georgics. Aeneid – intertextual map: Hellenic and Roman proto-texts; relationship with Homer and pseudo-Homeric poetics; ideological-political aspect. Philosophical sources. A hermeneutic analysis of the Aeneid.
      Contents of exercises
      1. Milan Budimir - Miron Flašar, Overview of Roman literature /multiple editions/
      2. Bruno Snell, Discovery of the Mind in Hellenic Philosophy and Literature, London, 1980.
      3. Jelena Pilipović, Garden of letters - Plato's thought and Virgil's idyllic poetry, Belgrade, 2020.
      4. Jelena Pilipović, Age of Orpheus, Belgrade - Pančevo, 2005
      5. The Cambridge Sompanion to Virgil, ed. Charles Martindale, 1997. (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      Methods of teaching Lectures, interactive teaching, discussions, oral presentations of students.
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures 10 Test paper
      Practical lessons Oral examination 70
      Colloquia 20