
Subject description

2115053 - Uvod u spansku versifikaciju i prevodjenje poezije

Course specification
Course title
Acronym 2115053
Study programme
Type of study
Lecturer (for classes)
Lecturer/Associate (for practice)
    Lecturer/Associate (for OTC)
      ESPB 3.0 Status
      Condition None. Oblik uslovljenosti
      The goal Acquisition of knowledge of the basic concepts of Spanish verse theory. Presentation of representative works of Spanish poetry and metrical forms and their recognition and use in different cultural, artistic and aesthetic contexts. Acquisition of basic knowledge of the characteristics of Serbian metrics and the possibilities of equivalence of Spanish and Serbian poetic forms during the translation process.
      The outcome The student develops the ability to understand the metrical forms of Spanish versification in light of literary periods and to recognize the metrical features of literary works in the context of all Spanish, European, and world literature. The student develops the ability to use appropriate metrical forms of Serbian versification when translating Spanish poetry.
      Contents of lectures Definition of versification and metrics. Versification systems. Syllabic and tonal versification. Ametrical versification; Verse. Definition of Spanish verse. Emphasis of words; stress in verse. Classification of words by place of stress; classification of verse by place of stress. Phonetic syllable and metrical syllable. Metrical liberties. Metrical phenomena related to the position of the last stressed syllable in the verse: Syllable addition and subtraction. Classification of verses in relation to the number of syllables. Characteristics and origin. The pause. Definition. Types of pauses and their marking. Caesura. Enjambement. Definition. Rhyme. Definition of rhyme. Types of rhyme in Spanish versification. Outline of rhymes. Stanza. Definition of stanza. Types of stanzas in Spanish poetry. Characteristics, origin and development. Types of stanzas according to the type of verse. Types of stanzas according to the number of verses. The poem. Definition of a poem. Classification of poems. Characteristics, origin and development. Strophic poems. Astrophic poems. Metrical forms of Serbian versification: six-syllable, eight-syllable, decysyllable, endezysyllable, twelve-syllable. Even and odd verses in Serbian meter. Trochee and iamb. Translation of poems. Translations of Spanish poetry into Serbian
      Contents of exercises None.
      1. Antonio Quilis, Métrica española, Barcelona: Ariel, 2001, edición corregida y aumentada. (Original title)
      2. Ljiljana Pavlović-Samurović. “Sonet u španskom pesništvu”, u: Kovačević, Radmila (urednik), Sonet u evropskom pesništvu, zbornik radova, Beograd, Zadužbina Ilije M. Kolarca, 2001, str. 105-131. (Original title)
      3. Donić, Željko. „Stare španske romanse i njihov prepev na srpski jezik“ u: Stare španske romanse, izbor, prevod sa kastiljanskog, predgovor, beleške i glosar Željko Donić; pogovor Jasmina Nikolić, Beograd, Partenon, 2011. str.11-33. (Original title)
      4. Rudolf Baehr, Manual de versificación española, Madrid, Gredos, 1970. (Original title)
      5. Ljiljana Pavlović-Samurović "Problem ekvivalencije španskog metričkog termina “el alejandrino” i našeg aleksandrinca. Zbornik MSC-a, knj. 18, sv. 1, Beograd, Filološki fakultet, 1990, str. 149-155. (Original title)
      Number of hours per week during the semester/trimester/year
      Lectures Exercises OTC Study and Research Other classes
      Methods of teaching Lectures, reading representative works, discussions, independent work (search, research), learning with the help of computers, etc.
      Knowledge score (maximum points 100)
      Pre obligations Points Final exam Points
      Activites during lectures Test paper 70
      Practical lessons Oral examination
      Seminars 30