
проф. др Биљана Чубровић

редовни професор
Имејл адресаТермини консултација
biljana.cubrovic@fil.bg.ac.rsСредом од 18.30-20.00, најавити се имејлом на biljana.cubrovic@fil.bg.ac.rs.
Имејл адреса
Термини консултација
Средом од 18.30-20.00, најавити се имејлом на biljana.cubrovic@fil.bg.ac.rs.
Ужа научна област


Одабрана библиографија

Acoustic Characteristics of American English Monophthongs in Serbian EFL Speakers – A Case Study

Attitudes Regarding the Realization of the LOT vowel in Advanced Serbian EFL Speakers

The Honouree’s Curriculum Vitae and Bibliography

Spectral Properties of American English Monophthongs

Acquisition of English Pitch Contours in Serbian Speakers of English

Duration as a Phonetic Cue in Native and Non Native American English

The Acquisition of Low Back Merger in Nonnative Speakers of American English

Low Back Merger in Native and Nonnative Speakers of American English

Preliminary Problems in Contrasting Vowel Inventories: The Case of English and Serbian

In Full Swing (The cultural embrace of the 18th century Balkans and Hapsburg empire in Fear and Servant (2000) by Mirjana Novaković and 20th century Balkans and America as a promised land in Bunker Swing (2013) by M. Djurdjević & B. Mladjenović)

Initial and Medial Voiceless Stops in Serbian: An Acoustic Analysis

‘My name is Balkan. – Hers Europe.’ : The (Un)Exotic Images of the West in the Anglo-Serbian Literary Relations

Neki aspekti prevođenja engleskih termina iz oblasti fonetike i fonologije engleskog jezika

Voice Onset Time in Serbian and Serbian English

Profiling English Phonetics

Acoustic Investigations of Serbian and American English Vowel Inventories

English Entrance Exam Practice 1 - 5 tests with key and explanatory notes

English Entrance Exam Practice 2 : tests with key and explanatory notes

Fonološka struktura novijih francuskih pozajmljenica u savremenom engleskom jeziku

A Workbook of English Phonology

English Entrance Exam Practice 3 - tests with key and explanatory notes

Standard Southern British as a Pronunciation Model in the Serbian EFL Classroom

Linguistic means of gaining familiarity and showing alienation in Crnjanski's Novel about London

Edging the dark out – the cultural embrace of the 18th century Balkans and Hapsburg Empire in Fear and Servant (2000) by Mirjana Novaković

Kaja, Beograd i dobri Amerikanac" Mirjane Đurđević kao mesto preplitanja srpske i američke kulture

Evaluating Final Stops in Serbian and Serbian English. An Acoustic Analysis

Slavic English accents revisited - A case study of Russian Serbian-English in films

Srpski u engleskom: Černobiljske jagode V. Goldsvorti

The Evolution of a Phonetic Phenomenon: The Case of Voice Onset Time in Serbian Intermediate EFL Learners