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Одабрана библиографија

Is the truthfulness of a proposition verifiable through access to reference corpora?

Contextual prosodic theory applied to English-Serbian poetic translation

Corpus-derived subtext and prospection in novel-writing: examining Faulkner’s Absalom, Absalom! and DeLillo’s White Noise

Иосиф Бродский: модальность как прием

Grammatical ‘hidden’ meaning as part of pun and metaphor in English

Michaela Mahlberg, Corpus Stylistics and Dickens's Fiction.

Is corpus stylistics bent on self-improvement? The role of reference corpora 20 years after the advent of semantic prosody

Bill Louw’s Contextual Prosodic Theory as the basis of (foreign language) classroom corpus stylistics research

Time and Transitions in Larkin's Poetry

Quenched light, or seeing through a glass darkly – a collocation-based view of Larkin's atheism and depression

Corpus Stylistics as Contextual Prosodic Theory and Subtext

Towards a Corpus-Attested Definition of Creativity as Accessed through a Subtextual Analysis of Student Writing

Semantic Prosody