
1st Open Call for Open Science projects and services

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Obaveštavamo Vas o tome da je Science cluster 15.03.2024. godine, pokrenuo prvi OSCARS poziv za Open Science projekte i usluge.


OSCARS projekat funkcioniše kao klaster naučnih klastera u oblastima

  • ENVRI (environmental science),
  • ESCAPE (astronomy and particle-nuclear physics),
  • Life Science RI (life sciences),
  • PaNOSC (photon and neutron science),
  • SSHOC (social science and humanities).


Pomenuti projekti okupljaju niz od preko 70 istraživačkih infrastruktura (RIs) koje obuhvata ESFRI i koji rade na upravljanju FAIR podataka i povezivanju korisničkih zajednica sa EOSC.


S poštovanjem Vas upućujemo ka bližim informacijama i mogućnostima direktne prijave:


On behalf of the OSCARS project, it is announced that on March 15 2024 is officially launched the OSCARS 1st Open Call for Open Science projects and services.

More details are announcement here - - to the community of RIs / researchers in the country through the channels available to the NCP, and sharing the related posts on X and Linkedin.



Jagoda Petrović-Ukaj

Ministarstvo nauke, tehnološkog razvoja i inovacija