
Jelena Gledić

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Termini konsultacija
Konsultacije se zakazaju po potrebi u dogovoru sa studentom usmeno ili putem e-pošte.
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Odabrana bibliografija

The Development of Sino-Serbian Relations under the Belt and Road Initiative: Forging the ‘Iron Friendship’

J. Gledić, The Development of Sino-Serbian Relations under the Belt and Road Initiative: Forging the ‘Iron Friendship’, Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations, Vol. 3, No. 55, pp. 21 - 36, 2019

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2019
Časopis Stosunki Międzynarodowe – International Relations
Volumen 3
Broj 55
Strana od 21
Strana do 36

Pravci razvoja Kine u 20. veku – vizija Bertranda Rasela

J. Gledić, Pravci razvoja Kine u 20. veku – vizija Bertranda Rasela, Anali Filološkog fakulteta, No. 26, pp. 69 - 76, 2014

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2014
Časopis Anali Filološkog fakulteta
Broj 26
Strana od 69
Strana do 76

Metodološki problemi komparativnih istraživanja kultura Ričarda Nizbeta

J. Gledić, Metodološki problemi komparativnih istraživanja kultura Ričarda Nizbeta, Anali Filološkog fakulteta, No. 24, pp. 113 - 125, 2012

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2012
Časopis Anali Filološkog fakulteta
Broj 24
Strana od 113
Strana do 125

Should Nora Leave the Iron House? Revolution and Individual Action in a Collectivist Society Based on Constant Change

J. Gledić, Should Nora Leave the Iron House? Revolution and Individual Action in a Collectivist Society Based on Constant Change, Revista de Estudos Chineses , Vol. 7, pp. 69 - 81, 2011

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2011
Časopis Revista de Estudos Chineses
Volumen 7
Strana od 69
Strana do 81

Film Censorship and Cross-Cultural Concepts of Intimacy and Love: Constituents of Closeness in Different Versions of “Lust, Caution”

J. Gledić, Film Censorship and Cross-Cultural Concepts of Intimacy and Love: Constituents of Closeness in Different Versions of “Lust, Caution”, Revista de Estudos Chineses , No. 6, pp. 151 - 168, 2010

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2010
Časopis Revista de Estudos Chineses
Broj 6
Strana od 151
Strana do 168

Prenošenje značenja i poimanje jezika: slučaj klasičnog kineskog jezika

J. Gledić, Prenošenje značenja i poimanje jezika: slučaj klasičnog kineskog jezika, Sintezis, No. 1-2, pp. 173 - 185, 2009

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2009
Časopis Sintezis
Broj 1-2
Strana od 173
Strana do 185

Kineski film posle kulturne revolucije

J. Gledić, Kineski film posle kulturne revolucije, Kultura, Vol. 2, No. 113/115, pp. 57 - 66, 2006

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2006
Časopis Kultura
Volumen 2
Broj 113/115
Strana od 57
Strana do 66

Pitanje ličnog identiteta u kineskoj misli kroz filmove (Džang Jang, Đao Ven, Vong Karvaj i Ang li)

J. Gledić, Pitanje ličnog identiteta u kineskoj misli kroz filmove (Džang Jang, Đao Ven, Vong Karvaj i Ang li), Kultura, Vol. 2, No. 113/115, pp. 34 - 54, 2006

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2006
Časopis Kultura
Volumen 2
Broj 113/115
Strana od 34
Strana do 54

Kulinarska umetnost Kine

J. Gledić, Kulinarska umetnost Kine, Kultura, Vol. 1, No. 113/115, pp. 133 - 146, 2006

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2006
Časopis Kultura
Volumen 1
Broj 113/115
Strana od 133
Strana do 146

The role of culture in order-building: Lessons from China’s engagement on the borders of the EU

J. Gledić, The role of culture in order-building: Lessons from China’s engagement on the borders of the EU, China-EU Relations in an New Era of Global Transformation, pp. 255 - 272, Routledge, London and New York, 2022

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2022
Izdavač Routledge
ISSN/ISBN 9780367562397
Strana od 255
Strana do 272

Formal vs. Informal Chinese Presence: The Underbelly of Hope in the Western Balkans

J. Gledić, Formal vs. Informal Chinese Presence: The Underbelly of Hope in the Western Balkans, Shadow Economies across the New Silk Road, pp. 163 - 182, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 2020

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2020
Izdavač Amsterdam University Press
ISSN/ISBN 9789462988934
Strana od 163
Strana do 182

Tangible Cooperation and Continuous Policy Dialogue in the ASEM Process

B. Gaens, J. Gledić, Tangible Cooperation and Continuous Policy Dialogue in the ASEM Process, The Age of Connectivity – ASEM and Beyond, pp. 17 - 28, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Singapore, 2016

Autori Bart Gaens i Jelena Gledić
Godina 2016
Izdavač Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
ISSN/ISBN 978-981-11-1806-7
Strana od 17
Strana do 28

Blending Ethnicities: Perceptions of East Asian Identities Today

J. Gledić, Blending Ethnicities: Perceptions of East Asian Identities Today, Social Commentary on State and Society in Modern Japan, pp. 155 - 176, Springer, Netherlands, 2016

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2016
Izdavač Springer
ISSN/ISBN 978-9811023941
Strana od 155
Strana do 176

Going Agile – Agile Methodologies in the Education of Global Citizens

J. Nikolić, J. Gledić, Going Agile – Agile Methodologies in the Education of Global Citizens, Going Global: identifying trends and drivers of international education, pp. 119 - 129, Emerald Group Publishing, Bingley, 2013

Autori Jasmina Nikolić i Jelena Gledić
Godina 2013
Izdavač Emerald Group Publishing
ISSN/ISBN 9781781905753
Strana od 119
Strana do 129

Emptiness in Confucianism

J. Gledić, Emptiness in Confucianism, Sense of Emptiness: An Interdisciplinary Approach, pp. 14 - 31, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2012

Autori Jelena Gledić
Godina 2012
Izdavač Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISSN/ISBN 9781443835831
Strana od 14
Strana do 31